DataSpeaker Deployment
Set up your environment
Install Ruby on rails
Install Mongodb
Prepare weibo account
Access with your weibo account
Register a web application with any name you want
Find out your server’s IP and set the callback url as http://server_IP:3000/dataspeaker/callback
Write down the key and secret of the web application you have applied for
(non-mandatory)Register a new weibo account
- only follow your weibo account
- Do the same things as step 2
Pull the code from github
Config dataspeaker
Go to dataspeaker folder
Bundle update
Bundle install
Modify the configuration so that dataspeaker can be used with your account
- Find the development.rb under dataspeaker\config\environments
- Replace the key, secret and callback url with your own setting
- Config the correct url for mongodb
Start dataspeaker
Start Mongodb(in a new terminal)
Mongod –dbpath data/db
Start webrick
- Rails server