  1. 1. Set up your environment
  2. 2. Prepare weibo account
  3. 3. Pull the code from github
  4. 4. Config dataspeaker
  5. 5. Start dataspeaker
  6. 6. Start webrick
  7. 7. Visit dataspeaker

Set up your environment

  1. Install Ruby on rails

  2. Install Mongodb

Prepare weibo account

  1. Access http://open.weibo.com/ with your weibo account

  2. Register a web application with any name you want

  3. Find out your server’s IP and set the callback url as http://server_IP:3000/dataspeaker/callback

  4. Write down the key and secret of the web application you have applied for

  5. (non-mandatory)Register a new weibo account

  • only follow your weibo account
  • Do the same things as step 2

Pull the code from github

  1. Git clone https://github.com/luke06122463/DataSpeaker.git

Config dataspeaker

  1. Go to dataspeaker folder

  2. Bundle update

  3. Bundle install

  4. Modify the configuration so that dataspeaker can be used with your account

  • Find the development.rb under dataspeaker\config\environments
  • Replace the key, secret and callback url with your own setting
  • Config the correct url for mongodb

Start dataspeaker

  1. Start Mongodb(in a new terminal)

  2. Mongod –dbpath data/db

Start webrick

  1. Rails server

Visit dataspeaker

  1. http://server_IP:3000/dataspeaker
  1. 1. Set up your environment
  2. 2. Prepare weibo account
  3. 3. Pull the code from github
  4. 4. Config dataspeaker
  5. 5. Start dataspeaker
  6. 6. Start webrick
  7. 7. Visit dataspeaker